Full Address
Departament Technologies of Computers & CommunicationsUniversity of Extremadura
Escuela Politecnica. Campus Universitario s/n
10003 Caceres, Spain
Phone Number: +34 927 251 537
Fax: +34 927 257 187
e-mail: granado@unex.es
- Computer Architecture and Logic Design Group (ARCO): Research lines - Projects - Collaborations.
- Research interests:
- Reviewer of Impact Factor Journals: Computers &Electrical Engineering, Computers &Electrical Engineering, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, International Journal of Electronics, International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, Integration the VLSI Journal, Journal of Systems Architecture, Journal of Universal Computer Science, Microelectronics Journal
- Member of the Program Committee of Conferences (several years): Reconfigurable Computing and Applications Conference (JCRA), Workshop on Embedded Computing (JCE), Workshop on Forms Recognizing and Images Analysis.
- Participation in Research Projects (as coordinator or researcher): List of Research Projects
- Real Time Systems - Computer Science Degree. University of Extremadura
- Parallel Computing - Computer Science Degree. University of Extremadura
- Introduction to the Technology Research - Master on Fundamentals of Technological Research. University of Extremadura.
- Hardware Systems Description - Master on Computer Science. University of Extremadura
- Developer of a Simulator for Educational Purpose: - RTSSchedSim.
Mentions and Awards
- Jonathan Tombs Award. XII Reconfigurable Computing and Applications Conference. 2012.